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The China Popular Music Association Harmonica Professional Committee preliminary meeting was held in Jiangyin.
Publisher:admin  Time:2017/4/3 11:12:58  Click:3777


Carry forward and inherit Chinese harmonica music

Popularize harmonica Art

Discussion on the development of harmonica culture


    To carrying forward timeless Chinese harmonica music,and to promote popularization and development of our harmonica culture,China Popular Music Association Harmonica Professional Committee preparatory meeting was held in Jiangsu east musical instrument,harmonica artists and harmonica groups leaders from all over the country and harmonica lovers participated in meeting, China Popular Music Association Secretary General Yu Lingling and JINDUN president huruiming were invitd to the meeting. 


The meeting was managed by Kongwenzhong,chairman of jiangsu east musical instruments Co.,ltd and made remarks to welcome all harmonica lovers and harmonica groups,Wu Shenlu, vice president of Lanzhou harmonica and editor in chief of Huaxia harmonica, reported the necessarity and suggestion of the establishment of national harmonica organization survey.and harmonica groups,Wu Shenlu, vice president of Lanzhou harmonica and editor in chief of Huaxia harmonica, reported the necessarity and suggestion of the establishment of national harmonica organization survey.


Chinese Popular Music Association Secretary General Yu Lingling and Hu Ruimin,President of JINDUN,introduced and read China Popular Music Association Harmonica Professional Committee(Draft).


Mr. Kong Wenzhong, chairman of east musical instruments, reads out the organizational structure and recommended list of Harmonica Professional Committee.


In the warm and harmonious atmosphere, all representatives have heated discussions on the organizational regulations, organizational structure and list, and put forward positive and pertinent opinions.


Fu Haojiu, the famous harmonica artist and honorary chairman of Lanzhou Harmonica Association, praised and affirmed the preparatory meeting, and made an important speech on the future development of the harmonica career.

The 12th Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival chairman,head of Beijing harmonica archest ,Baiyansheng read out guideline of harmonica special committee. And introduce the work plan after the establishment, promote the cohesion of all harmonica groups and harmonica lovers and carry forward the harmonica music tradition, promote  the cultural taste of  fashion music of city, promote integration of the harmonica group communication and healthy development.

Teacher Ludexing from Najin harmonica assiciation,teacher chenshide from Wuhan harmonica association,teacher chenyinan from shanghai harmonica assiciation,teacher chengxiaoming from shanghai huangguan harmonica association, teacher yangsheng from tianjin golden harmonica association, teacher chenshiyi from shanghai yuyuan harmonica association and teacher guanhua from guangzhou harmonica association all came in person. 

The preparatory meeting symbols Chinese harmonica music towards systematization, standardization, specialization,which opens up a new development prospect ,and make the harmonica art gradually from the social edge to the center,extend and develop the popular harmonica art in social cultural value and orientation.   


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